Dr. Yolanda Cintron – Dentist in Fort Lauderdale FL

Dr. Yolanda Cintron – Dentist in Fort Lauderdale FL

Born in New York, Dr. Yolanda Cintron has a Bachelor’s in Science from the University of Puerto Rico. Her love for chemistry and cellular biology got her involved with The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, where she learned the safe protocol on how to remove toxic materials safely and the body’s reaction to dental materials.

See Dr. Cintron’s Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Cintron values God and family as a top priority. She follows this philosophy:

“I am God’s instrument to get you healthy.” “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men. – Colossians 3:23 NKJV.”

Dr. Yolanda Cintron’s Credentials:

  • Graduated from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in 1987
  • Accredited Member of:
    • IAOMT – International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology
  • Member of:
    • IABDM – International Academy of Biological Dentistry & Medicine
    • AGD – Academy of General Dentistry
    • AACD – American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
    • ADSA – American Dental Society of Anesthesiology
    • Crown Council
  • Over 27 years of experience
  • Over 15 years of oral implantology experience
  • IV Sedation licensed and certified
  • Has served thousands of happy patients

Welcome to our practice

Welcome to our practice - Go Natural Dentistry

Welcome to my practice. My name is Dr. Yolanda Cintron and I’m a biological dentist. I have been a biological dentist for 22 years and a dentist for 32 years. The reason I’m making this video is because we have hundreds of new patients a year, and I speak to hundreds of people, maybe thousands of people every year, and they all have something in common. Most people do not know the information that I’m about to share, and I believe that is very important that you get educated prior to visiting a biological dentist, including my office. So welcome to our practice, and there are things that you need to know that are very basic, but they take time, and I would like for you to process to understand this before you come to our practice. The first recommendation is there is a documentary that was done in Netflix, and it is very important that you watch it.
The name of it is Root Cause, root Cause. You can find on YouTube or an app that is called Tub, B-T-U-B-I. You can download it. You can watch the movie for free. You don’t have to buy it, you can watch it with your family. It’s actually very well done entertaining. It has different levels of understanding. For somebody that’s not a doctor, it has an entertaining story, but it touches the points that you need to know, and for people that are more science oriented, it has other information that would maybe be pertinent for your doctor to know and for you to know. So let’s start with disease. Disease is multifactorial. People do not get sick from one thing. So why is your mouth so important? Your mouth is the biggest opening to the rest of your body. Your mouth is connected to your entire body, to your brain.
Whatever goes into your mouth is going to go to your brain, is going to go to your heart, is going go to your lungs, is going to go to your stomach. When you eat, the food goes to the stomach. If you have an infection in your mouth, it’s going to spread via all the different cities, the veins, the arteries, the capillaries through the blood, but also through the tissues, through the nerve endings. So each tooth has 3000 endings on the molar area. The premolars have 2,500 nerve endings. So you must understand that if you have a material that is a neurotoxin like amalgam, mercury, fillings, they call silver feelings. If you have a silver feeling, which is a neurotoxin, that chemical is going to go through the tooth because the tooth is alive through the tubules, through the nerve endings, and it’s going to have an impact in your brain.
Your brain is where the computer motherboard is. So if you have a neurotoxin that’s leaching into your brain, that’s going to have an impact not only in your memory, in your moods, emotions, depression, but also in other neurological conditions. We’re speaking about. We see patients with not only Alzheimer’s dementia, Ms a LS Parkinson. Unfortunately, the patients come because they were referred by their physicians that are very fine doctors that know this information. This information is readily available. There’s thousands of papers written about it, but average people don’t read this. An average doctor doesn’t even read about that because they’re so busy writing prescriptions. A prescription is not going to cure you. A prescription of any medication is just a bandaid. Do you want to have a bunch of bandaids? Unfortunately, a medication, what it does, it causes other problems. So nowadays there’s a movement of doctors and consumers that are demanding health, not a prescription.
They don’t want to take a bandaid for high blood pressure. They want to know what’s the root cause of the high blood pressure. If that makes sense to you, then you will be a great patient. We are working with fine doctors that know protocols on how to remove the toxins. Once I remove the toxins from the mouth. So if you are sick and you have not seen a biological dentist, you must see if you have any infection in your gums. Number one, the gums are infected. They’re going to infect your heart, they’re going to infect your lungs. They can give you a stroke. The plaque, bacteria from the mouth can give you a stroke. You must know this. It’s so simple to fix. The second thing that we’re looking for is, if there any abscesses or cavitations in your jaw bone? Was anything left in your jawbone by a previous dentist that did an extraction and the infection is still there and was never removed?
The third thing we’re going to look for is do you have any root canals? How long have you had it, and are the organs connected to the meridian of that tooth being affected? The fourth thing we’re going to look for is heavy metals and mercury. Mercury is an amalgamation of multiple metals. Some amalgamation of metals with mercury have lead cadmium, so we don’t want any of that in your body because your body does not need electricity like that. We also remove aluminum. Aluminum is connected to Alzheimer’s and dementia. There’s other sources of mercury obviously, and fish and aluminum in deodorant and powders. But as a biological dentist, we focus on removing the root cause of all these toxicities, those four guys out of your body. So when you come to us, we would do a comprehensive evaluation of your soft tissues, the gums, the bone, the teeth, the thyroid, and everything that is on the head and neck, your joint, and some people have tinnitus, tinnitus from the mercury.
There are so many side effects of these materials on the human body that people are really after covid being conscientious that they do not want to have an infection in their head and neck because that you don’t need at this time, you don’t need anything else that makes you weak. It’s so simple for us to get you healthy. Then one of my mentors is Dr. Thomas ra. He has this book that is called Biological Medicine. If you like Science. This is a fantastic book to read. There is a few chapters in biological dentistry and he says if they put a law, he’s in Switzerland. In Germany, if they put a law that they only allow one doctor to work with him, he would choose the biological dentist because he knows that
The dental foci, if it’s not removed, the patient will never get well. I want to walk you to my practice, and if you have any questions, text us. I hope that you watch the root cause and other videos that are related to the mercury toxicity because once you know this information, you want all that out, and then your process of detoxification will get started really, because you cannot have mercury, aluminum, lead, heavy metals in infection, bacteria, parasites, all that in your mouth and think that you would ever get well, it’s impossible. It doesn’t make sense. This is Dr. Yoli. Thank you for tuning in.